Here are some items that occurred after the book went to press:
ACLU pressures Los Angeles into removing a tiny cross from its official
seal. It was allowed to keep Pomona � the goddess of gardens and fruit trees.
LA Times storyLA County Seal
The Supreme Court rules 8-0 against Newdow,
and thereby upholds the Pledge of Allegiance.
(The book went to press with the expectation that the Pledge and
the Lemon Test would be overwhelmingly upheld,
in spite of the apparent contradictions. That is what happened.)
The Supreme Court will continue to apply their supremacist
doctrines against other acknowledgements of God.
The Supreme Court announced that judges should be involved
in the cases of Hamdi and Padilla.
Courts have stayed out of such war-time decisions in the past.
The ACLU is suing
to create a constitutional right
to nude summer camps for teenagers.