Roger Schlafly, patent agent

I am a US patent agent. That means I have a license to practice patent law before the US Patent Office. My registration is US Patent Agent No. 39,357. The main thing that patent agents do is to obtain patents for inventors.

People ask about the difference between patent agents and attorneys. The main difference is that a patent attorney is also licensed by the state to represent clients in state court. Patent agents rely on being licensed directly by the federal government. A patent attorney might be able to help you with a patent infringement lawsuit, but increasingly these are being handled by lawyers who are not patent attorneys.

Patent agents commonly perform the following duties for clients:

  • Evaluate an invention for patentability.
  • Explain how the patent system works.
  • Advise how to best protect an invention.
  • Advise about ancillary legal matters, such as employer rights.
  • Draft and prosecute a patent application.
  • Handle appeals and other Patent Office functions.
  • Give a patent infringement opinion.
  • Execute and record a patent license or assignment.
  • Maintain an attorney-client privilege.

    For more info on patent agents, see the Patent Agent FAQ.

    If you have a new and useful invention, I can get a patent for you. If you have other patent-related legal problems, I may also be able to help you. Contact me for details.

    Under patent law, an infringer can get hit with an injunction against shipping a product, and faces triple damage if the infringement is willful. So it is usually worth making sure that your products are protected, and that you are not incurring liabilities. In some cases, infringement is presumed willful, unless there is a professional opinion that it is not infringing.

    I specialize in computer software and related patents. I also have some expertise in other areas of intellectual property law. I am not a lawyer, and I do not represent clients in court. I can refers some matters to my associates, if they are outside my license and expertise.

    I serve Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley, Silicon Valley, and surrounding areas in California.


  • US Patent and Trademark Office
  • World Intellectual Property Organization
  • Patent Cooperation Treaty

  • Search US patents: US PTO Free Patents Online Google patents Fresh Patents
  • A typical patent agent explains procedures and fees.
  • A typical patent law firm gives patent info.
  • My USPTO patent agent info page.

    Roger Schlafly
    US Mail: PO Box 67234, Scotts Valley, CA 95067 USA
    Phone: +1-831-335-2175

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